Saturday, January 27, 2007

One year older, one year wiser...

Every year when my birthday arrives I think back to when I was a child. I think about the things I did, who my friends were and what thoughts I had about my life, even then. Now I have my sons, my nephew and my niece as daily reminders of what it's like to be young and it is a very grounding feeling. I spent yesterday playing board games with them and oh how sweet it is to be young!

This is my niece, Nia. She's a cutie isn't she? She adores her brother, my nephew, and her cousins, my sons. Whenever she sees me pull out my camera she is ever ready. Can you tell by the gorgeous smile on her face?

Here she is with her brother: does it look like he does his big brother job, constantly? What would little sisters be without their big brothers to make us cry? Just don't let anyone try to mess with her because she has four protectors that will look out for her. Check out her bodyguards (lol): her brother, Naigere... ===>

... her twin cousins,

<===Tyron and Tyrell...

... and her other cousin,Tyrice ===>

I am proud to say Nia is well protected and she'll grow up learning about life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wyld Weather

Just this past Saturday the weather here in Philadelphia was topping 70 degrees and today we are getting snow. My sister's cat, Cotton, has been acting retarded. Racing after things that aren't there and a guy went down my sister's street last night with a shovel in hand asking all of the neighbors to call the police.

Even the plants are confused... I found baby rose buds on the branches of this bush at a friend's house. I was out in the front yard snapping away... People walking around in tank tops and daisy duke shorts, flowers blossoming and animals rebelling. But it's January!

What is this world coming to?

All photos courtesy of M. Wy. B. (c)2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Philadelphia as is

Over the last couple of days I have been on opposite sides of Philadelphia taking photos. The amazing thing is how the city can sit back and allow one area to fall in serious ruin while they break their necks to keep other parts pristine and picture perfect. What is that telling the citizens of your city?
The picture to the left is of my old neighborhood on 24th and Oxford Streets. This row of homes is on Oxford street. Friends that I used to go to school with used to live in these homes. Why is it allowed to be left in ruin and abandoned? Now this picture of the trolley was taken in North Philadelphia also. Except it is on 26th and Girard Avenue. Looks quiet and peaceful right? Let's see what the other end of this street looks like. Here's 27th and Girard Avenue, one block over:

This is where the Shop 'N Bag supermarket used to stand on 27th and Girard Avenue. All of those beautiful trolley passengers get to see this everytime they ride by. How sad is that? Although the people of this part of Philadelphia have been severely neglected there is hope. Think about it: no matter how much we try to destroy where we live the Earth is always one step ahead correcting our mistakes...

All photos courtesy of M. Wy. B (c)2007

Friday, January 05, 2007

Beautiful Black 'N White

It is absolutely amazing what you can do with a digital camera these days. This is my sister, Sharmon. She is my best friend. We laugh, I cry, we laugh some more and she gives me inspiration when I feel like giving up. This is one of my favorite pictures because I feel it shows her quietness but if you look at her face you can see her strength also. I used my Kodak C433 with the color lens on black and white and I used flash fill. Everything else was on the factory default settings. Isn't she beautiful??